And now for something…completely different

I’m still trying to figure out this whole blogging, tagging, SEO, following, gobbly-gook, so forgive me if I’m a bit clueless about some of these things.  But a friend and fellow blogger, Little Runner, Bigger City, nominated me for a “Liebster Award,” so I figured hey, go with it!  I was very curious about what exactly this was, so a quick 30 second Google led me to this other blogger’s research behind it: Liebster Award history.  Essentially, it started in like 2010 and is just a fun way for smaller bloggers to connect and recognize each other.  Okay sounds good!  Now supposedly, I have to nominate TEN other bloggers for this- I’m not sure I really even “know” ten other bloggers, plus my guess is many of them received the “award” long ago.  But I’m happy to play along and answer some non-food related questions for once!  Here are her questions for me:

1. What place would you submit to Runner’s World’s “rave run” feature?
Hmm, well for places that I’ve ACTUALLY ran, I think the top would be in La Quinta Vergara in Vina del Mar, Chile.  It’s a small little garden with this cool mansion and amphitheater in it.  It was right next to the apartment I lived in there and I looped around and around in there because I felt relatively safe, though I think the groundskeepers thought I was a bit odd. 🙂  Surprisingly, the second place that came to mind was the Heritage Trail in Dubuque, Iowa.  I was very familiar with this trail during my first marathon training and it is a very serene location.

la quinta vergara, chile

la quinta vergara, chile

heritage trail run

heritage trail run

2. What race would you tell others to put on their bucket list?
The Des Moines Marathon, of course!! 🙂 I have done the half three times and the full twice now and I just think it such a great race.  Big enough that it is fun and there are plenty of crowds, but not so big that it is overwhelming.  I also am a fan of the Capital Pursuit 10 miler, I think mostly because I have found that 10 miles is my sweet spot.  I have also had a BLAST at Run4Troops marathon relay the last two years with my Dubuque running buddies- it goes the length of the Heritage Trail.

3. What’s your worst race experience?
I was not a fan of the new Drake half marathon route, which I ran last year.  It was the first long race after winter and I just hadn’t trained all that well and then hills were just terrible.  I was just disappointed with how I did and felt.  I also got myself into a bit of an adventure inadvertently when I decided at the last minute to do a random Thanksgiving race in Pittsburgh.  I knew that it was on trails, but I had no idea just how ridiculously hilly it was and there were several times where I was very close to injury.  It was exciting and I felt proud to have survived, but it was definitely a gamble!

4. What food is a must-avoid leading up to a run?
Oh geez, I have a list a mile long!  It’d be easier to give my short list of what I CAN eat haha!  Definite things that I avoid are dairy, eggs, soy, chocolate, fatty meat, onions, garlic, alcohol and definitely no junk/processed food.  During my marathon, my staple was very lightly seasoned barley with spinach, avocado, and tuna and sweet potatoes with raw honey.  Now, with this new diet I’m trying, I would add avoiding wheat and barley and limiting avocado or too much fruit.

5. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen on a run?
Wow I’m sure I’ve seen some weird things, but I’m really blanking!  The only thing that springs to mind is recently there was a possum running around my neighborhood.

6. Do you have any special pre-race rituals?
Does toe taping count?  Haha, I do make sure my feet are blister-proofed the best they can be.  My feet are ridiculously blister prone, I swear!  Otherwise, it’s just making sure I have the right clothes out and ready to go and pre-race, light and easy food figured out.

7. What foods/drinks do you crave during or after a run?
SALTY, I always crave salty things after a long run.  So usually crackers or now tortilla chips are a must for a quick fix.  After a few of my longer runs last fall, I craved avocado grilled cheeses mmmm.

8. How do you pamper yourself after a tough workout or race?
Occasionally I take epsom salt baths and I try to roll out on my foam roller.  Otherwise, I suppose a nap would be my definition of pampering!

9. Who would play you in a movie?
Audrey Hepburn of course!

10. What was the first concert you ever attended?
Amy Grant!  She’ll always be my all time favorite artist 🙂

amy grant!

amy grant!


2 responses

  1. Ha, you thought it would be a non-food-related post, and then I threw all those food questions at you 🙂 What fun answers, though — didn’t expect to see Chile on your rave run list, and am totally with you on 10 miles being the sweet spot.

    • Yeah I doubt anyone else would think of that particular spot in Chile because there are a lot more other, much more stunning places there, but I wanted to go with a place that I had actually run! And it brings back good memories 🙂

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