Food in Costa Rica

In early November, two weeks after my second marathon, we went to Costa Rica- and it was AWESOME!  But as anyone with a “picky stomach” will tell you, traveling can be a little nerve racking.  I tend to go in to it with the attitude that I will do my best to not eat foods that might bother me, but that I won’t let it keep me from enjoying new foods.  I went armed with a bottle of apple cider vinegar (you think I’m kidding.. I’m not.. sadly) and several healthy snacks, including my favorite walnut cappuccino Truebars.

I ate a whole slew of things, including cheese and ice cream, and only had one day where I had stomach issues.  Funny enough, this was the day where we ate at, some had said, “the best restaurant in Costa Rica”!  I think what upset my stomach was that it was a breaded option, so sort of fried, and probably the closest to a normal American meal!  The rest of the time, my stomach felt better than it has in a long time, which is really quite amazing for being in a foreign country.  I ate copious amounts of papaya because it was SO amazing there!

When we had a layover on the way back in Houston, we ate dinner and I almost immediately felt terrible.  It has gotten me thinking that a lot of my issues may be AMERICAN food, in that our food has tons of crap and chemicals added to it, instead of just real, from the land food like in Costa Rica.  Since then, I have been thinking a lot more about all of the processed food we eat here and even the stuff that seems healthy has a lot of hidden stuff in it (like what is “natural flavors”?? apparently some pretty hideous stuff…).  It shouldn’t be so hard to eat REAL food here!  It’s quite frustrating and makes me think that maybe I should just move to Costa Rica.. 😉

Fresh fish and veggies- yummy!

Fresh fish and veggies- yummy!

Fresh made ice cream- wonderful and issue free!

Fresh made ice cream- wonderful and issue free!